FOIA Information
Freedom Of Information Act Notice
(Click Here for a Downloadable PDF of this Notice)
Your Right to Public Information
FOIA Officer: Norm Eakley
FOIA Deputy Officer: Beth Caudill
If you would like to request public information, we ask that you complete an F.O.I.A request form. The form is available for download at our website, www.lostlakercd.org and is available at our office during regular business hours. Please fill out the form and either mail, email, or hand deliver the form with attention to one of the FOIA officers above.
Office Address: Lost Lake RCD, 404 Lake Court, Dixon, IL 61021
Email: beth.caudill@lostlakercd.org
Phone: 815.652.2006
Lost Lake RCD may charge the requestor certain fees in conjunction with a request.
In general, the first 50 pages of black and white photo static copies are free. Extra pages are charged at 15 cents per page. Color copies are charged at 25 cents per page.
Please consult the Illinois F. O. I. A. Act 5 ILCS 140/1 Sec. 6 for more detailed information regarding charges that may apply to certain requests.